Copyright ©2000-2007
by Eric Kieboom &
Jacob Poortstra
All Rights Reserved
Welcome to triumphspitfire.nl. Among other things, you'll find the following information here:
It's surprising how popular Triumph Spitfires are these days. I often get asked by wannabe owners what to look for when buying. Mainly by making mistakes, I have gathered some experience in judging what is and what is not a Good Spitfire. I thought it would be a good idea to lay down this knowledge in a Buyers guide.
An important part of this is the Identification page. This is where you'll find the numbers, colour codes and other boring but useful information for identifying the Spitfire at hand.
Over the years, we've built up a fair collection of original Triumph Spitfire sales literature. So far, there are 24 brochures on the site, ranging from the first 1962 issue to the very last 1980 brochure, with some brilliant photography. This page is regularly updated with new material - it is already the largest collection of Triumph Spitfire sales brochures on the web and there's still more to come.
It may be a small car, but it is steeped in history. It nearly didn't get built, but became a British sports car best seller nevertheless. It won its class at Le Mans, it was a major export succes and had a production life of 18 years, in which it came in five steadily improved 'types'. Read all about it here.
We like our cars; and we enjoy reading about them. Our bookcases are full of Triumph Spitfire books. Most books are still available - not from this site, but we'll happily show you where to get them.
Come and enjoy old movies and TV-ads in low-res for the bandwidth challenged and huge files for those with great big internet pipes.
A collection of mainly US market advertising. Our current collection of 58 ads may well grow in the future.
Owners of Triumph Spitfires should have at least some tools to maintain their own cars. Having the right tools means the job is already half done. Here's an extensive page with our thoughts on tools. Cheap ones, expensive ones ...
It's a giant Meccano kit, is a Triumph Spitfire, and that is part of its appeal to some. Here are some articles about the technical side of the car, the nuts and bolts, maintaining it, how to take care of your car other than just washing it.
We read a number of magazines about cars, but mainly about Triumphs in general and Spitfires in particular.
In May 2000, we paid a visit to the The Spitfire Graveyard in Sheffield, England. See the pictures, read the story. You can almost feel the rust and smell the dampness.
Fellow Spitfire owners will know what we mean: you're constantly answering the same questions from non-owners. Is it expensive to run? Can you get the parts? Why doesn't it have a roof like all the other cars? Please read this page before you e-mail your questions.
In addition, this page also provides some oft-given answers to questions about these webpages. Why, How, Whatever, that sort of thing.