Spitfire history
Buyers guide
Tech articles
Sales literature
Online video
Photo album
Our cars
Site history
this site
by Eric Kieboom &
Jacob Poortstra
All Rights Reserved
Spitfire Club Nederland
The rather professional site of the Dutch Spitfire club
Club Triumph Holland
- The Dutch general Triumph club
A list of
most other European clubs
Nico Baas Triumph Centre
- the largest Triumph specialist of the Netherlands.
Rimmer bros.
- large British supplier of Triumph spare parts. Great online Spitfire catalogue, but fairly expensive.
Canley Classics
- excellent British parts supplier, great website with lots of useful information, too. Not too expensive, either.
- a German parts supplier with which we are personally quite happy - also does parts for classic Volvo cars
The Spitfire Graveyard
in Sheffield, UK.
Hofman Leek
- importer of various classic and sporty cars. Usually has a large selection of Spitfires in widely varying conditions.
Various useful sites
The international Triumph Spitfire database
- exciting project by Joe curry -
remember to register your Spitfire here!!
The Vintage Triumph Register
- American site that used to supply lots of useful information, but sadly much of it is for members only now
Team Net
this is where you can subscribe to the busy 'Spitfires' and 'Triumphs' mailing lists.
Scions of Lucas (SOL)
Home Page
Care for Your Convertible Top
- how to lower and raise the top, something many first time Spitfire owners do wrong
Classic Motor Monthly
Loads of
British car links
The English-language Wikipedia site on the Triumph Spitfire
- there's also a smaller
Dutch version
Personal sites we like
Triumph Spitfire 1500 Pages
by Graham Armfield - with particularly
clever Javascript pages for picking your favourite colour
Ashley Meson's 1975 Spitfire 1500
Jeff McNeal's 1967 Mk3 Spit
- nice site, not dissimilar to this one. Jeff tells an entertaining and familiar story
Geoff Wright's 1974 Spitfire MkIV
- young Brit bravely restoring a mimosa yellow specimen
John Hobson's Spitfire 1500 site
- another familiar story from a young Brit, who is clearly a welcome customer of
the Spitfire Graveyard
Fellow Dutchman Jasper van Zanten built a
nice (Dutch) website
about (among other things) the restoration of his Spit 1500. He used our website to prepare himself for buying the car.
A German site full of Triumph brochures.
A Belgian site with a large collection of Triumph brochures.